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Golf History in Ukraine.

The fact, that golf in Ukraine is not arising but reappearing is interesting. Indeed the first golf course in Ukraine was built in Zhitomer region in 1913, in Leontyev- ancient demesne of princes Muravyev-Apostols. They inquired masters from Scotland special for it. But unfortunately this course was dig over again for potatoes fields after the revolution.

There is a legend that tells us there was a golf course in Kiev in the end of XIX century. It is obvious Russian aristocrats built it but its location remains a mystery.

What is amazing but Ukrainian golf federation exists from 1992 and was founded by Minister of Health Service of that time, Yuriy Spizhenko. After 10 years organization was not able to build golf course and instead of this amassed all its efforts on mini golf developing. Other groups were moving faster. Walter Prokhorenko came to Ukraine in 1995 with the purpose to build golf course after the huge experience in building such fields in the Far East. He was the first who was close to build the course in the end of the 1990-th. But as soon as he was finding appropriate land, oligarchs were buying it at once for building cottages. Prokhorenko’s dream is to build golf field in stunning rural locality is the South of Kiev in Koncha-Zaspa.

Today’s golf is the game for millions. For example there are about 25 million gamers in USA. There are about 15 thousands courses that made for the game. In small Japan there are 12 million people who play golf on 2 thousands courses. Countries of Eastern Europe do not remain behind as well. There are 41 golf courses in Czech, 28 in Poland and 9 in Hungary. Former Soviet Union countries developing golf as well. 12 fields are already built in Baltic countries, 6 fields in Russia. Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have one field in each. Building of the golf course in Moldova runs to the end.
